Accessibility Policy

In relation to The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA), and our internal Accessibility Policy, Extreme Electronic is committed to treating all of our customers in a way that allows them to maintain their respect, dignity and independence.

Extreme Electronic will meet the needs of customers with disabilities in a timely manner, and will do so by identifying, removing and preventing barriers so that people with disabilities will have more opportunity to participate in everyday life and by meeting the accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA)

We will provide training to all of our employees on the Accessibility for Manitobans Act which we believe is an important part of our ongoing customer service.

The following is our Accessible Customer Service which has been trained to all of our employees:
  • Our entrance is step free, ground level grade with dual automatic double doors which enables customers with to enter and leave with ease.
  • We offer his and hers wheel chair accessible washrooms, and wide aisles in all areas of our showroom floor and sound rooms.
  • We offer customers with reading, sight or other disabilities to reading and understanding written material, having the material read out loud to them and to assist with completion of forms if needed. If requested we can enlarge the print on printed material.
  • We welcome support persons.
  • We offer carry-out service to all of our customers.
  • We welcome service animals.

If we have an upcoming accessibility issues due to a repair or an update to the building we will have a notice posted that accessibility will be unavailable, it’s anticipated duration and a description of an alternative facility of service if available.

Feedback regarding the way goods and services to customers with disabilities can be made is in person, by telephone, in writing or by e-mail to All feedback will be directed to the store owners.

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